
We offer to the petroleum-exploration industry a broad range of geochemical and modeling services and products. Let us help you.

Technology Overview

Sirius Exploration Geochemistry aids oil and gas companies in making rational, scientifically-sound decisions in their exploration endeavors. We always seek to provide our clients with maximum information of direct exploration interest at minimum cost.


Sirius Exploration Geochemistry can determine source-rock kinetics in several ways. Our most-common and preferred method is to use a single pyrolysis run made on an extracted rock sample using our Source Rock Analyzer (SRA) at a heating rate of 25°C per minute.

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Organofacies Analysis

An understanding of vertical and lateral trends in organofacies can be very important for both conventional and unconventional exploration, since the hydrocarbon-generative capacity of a source rock can vary greatly from one organofacies to another.

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Most maturity calculations carried out by existing software, including Novva, are based on the Easy%Ro algorithm developed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Sweeney and Burnham, 1990). We also find that this method works quite well.

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Oils can be characterized using a variety of analytical techniques. Sulfur content, API gravity, pour point, wax content, and viscosity are all used to give an evaluation of the overall properties of an oil.

A more-detailed description of gross composition can be obtained by the so-called SARA analysis, in which the oil is divided chromatographically into the saturate, aromatic, resin (or NSO), and asphaltene fractions.

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Integrated Geohistory Analysis

As the inventors and the most-experienced practitioners of IGA, Sirius is ideally positioned to apply this unique and powerful tool as a source of new insights and exploration ideas to any region or play.

Sirius Exploration Geochemistry provides various types of training for IGA, as well as software designed specifically for IGA applications (Novva).

We also do consultancy work utilizing IGA.

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Basin Modeling

We believe that the most effective way to generate new play concepts, refine old concepts, and ultimately be highly successful in petroleum exploration is increasing the depth and breadth of the geologic understanding.

Without a deep geologic understanding of the region(s) in question, the results of interest are generally of lower quality and result in more missed exploration opportunities. Build the best 1D, 2D, or 3D geologic models!

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SiriusXGC: Introduction to Novva software

Please click here to request a free 30-day trial of a fully functional demo version of Novva.

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